This week Emery turned 3 months old! It's so hard to believe she is growing up so fast! She is really developing a lot of personality & I just fall more in love with her every day. Here is what she is doing at 3 months old:
Wiggling- still her favorite thing to do!
Talking- she is really concentrating on shaping her mouth into words and imitating the way your face looks. All that comes out now is pretty much "Goooo", but she's trying- Mommy sees it! :) This week she also starting grunting when she gets excited, it's too cute!
Chewing on everything! She especially likes her hands- both of them, all of them in her mouth all the time now. It's so funny, Matt calls it her chipmunk impression.
Her neck and torso are also getting so much stronger so she is able to do a few new things like... take walks like a big girl
Help me in the kitchen like a big girl (I think this is GREAT!)
And ride in the Bjorn like a big girl!