Friday, October 30, 2009

Venturing Out

Well, Emery and I finally ventured out to run errands on our own! It was a little scary, but we all survived without any crying or screaming (Emery did great, too :)). We went to Babies R Us to get some new pacifiers since I accidentally burned the ones she likes- apparently your not supposed to boil those things, who knew?! Emery slept & I shopped and at the end of the day we were all happy, yay!

Stay tuned for pictures from her first Halloween!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I heard this on the news one night last week, apparently it was some sort of equinox that allowed a broom to stand up on it's own. I didn't believe it until I tried it. The broom stood through dinner & the rest of the night, it was almost like we had an extra person in the house- creepy! :)

Monday, October 26, 2009

2 Monthls Old!

Has it seriously been a month since I wrote a blog?? I guess that shows how busy we have been lately!

Well, Miss Emery is now two months old and getting so big! She is now 22 inches long and 9 lbs 1 oz! Her favorite thing to do is WIGGLE- it seems to cure all problems. :) Her head is getting so much stronger, and she is sleeping through the night in her crib (that was a hard transition for me, but yay!). She is also starting to talk A LOT and no one gets her going like Daddy. They have talks every night and her voice is so beautiful.
More updates to come, as soon as I get them loaded onto my computer.