Friday, November 20, 2009

3 months!

November 17, 2009

This week Emery turned 3 months old! It's so hard to believe she is growing up so fast! She is really developing a lot of personality & I just fall more in love with her every day. Here is what she is doing at 3 months old:

Wiggling- still her favorite thing to do!

Talking- she is really concentrating on shaping her mouth into words and imitating the way your face looks. All that comes out now is pretty much "Goooo", but she's trying- Mommy sees it! :) This week she also starting grunting when she gets excited, it's too cute!

Chewing on everything! She especially likes her hands- both of them, all of them in her mouth all the time now. It's so funny, Matt calls it her chipmunk impression.

Her neck and torso are also getting so much stronger so she is able to do a few new things like... take walks like a big girl

Help me in the kitchen like a big girl (I think this is GREAT!)

And ride in the Bjorn like a big girl!

I can't wait to see what next month will bring- I love you Big Girl!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Pumpkin Patch & Dedication

The weekend of Halloween we decided to have Emery's dedication at Glenwood- more on that later... first though, we spent Halloween at Moore Farm's Pumpkin Patch with Gigi, Okay, Sarah, & Camryn. Sarah & Camryn came to town for the dedication on Sunday (Tyson was sick and couldn't make it, but we took lots of pictures for him!). They were pretty much out of pumpkins, but the girls don't even know it's Halloween so we figured it was still a good chance for a few great photo ops.

Babies in Bjorns, how cute!
Emery was really excited to be there, can't you tell! :)
The Girls (old & new)!

So, we did alright getting some pictures of the girls on their first Halloween- don't they look like they really enjoyed it! I know this Mommy loved, they have so many fun activities. A corn maze, and a hayride- but maybe next year.
Sunday was Emery's dedication at our church and it was wonderful! Glenwood does this as a way of introducing all the new babies to the church & blessing them. They also gave Emery a bible that is just adorable! We feel so blessed to have such a wonderful church family that will love Emery just as much as we do. This is congregational response that is read during the dedication:

We rejoice to take Emery under our care.
We seek God's grace to be a community in which
the gospel is truly proclaimed to all.
We will support you and minister with you
as workers together in Christ Jesus and
heirs of his promise.

Since my Dad (Okay) is an elder he was able to do the blessing which was really special for all of us. We (actually Gigi) was able to take some pictures... thanks Gigi!

Getting some wiggle time in before church

On the stage with Katie Burnett and Jeff Christian

Elder's blessing

After church we had lunch at my parents house, and Emery wiggled like she does best!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Trunk or Treat

Our church had their annual Trunk or Treat this past Wednesday and of course Emery participated this year (her first Halloween, oh my)! Matt & I were just talking the other day how we are already coming up in so many firsts for her- Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, not to mention all her personal milestones. She is growing so fast! Anyway, we had a pretty hard time coming up with her costume since all the ones we looked at seemed so big, so we ended up being a ballerina. Who can resist a baby girl in a tutu and a bow?! We had a blast and Emery did great. She loved looking around at everyone and meeting a lot of new friends. She almost made it all the way through, but fell asleep toward the end- she was a champ!
Gigi & Emery (thanks for the tutu, Gigi!!)
It was a little windy :), Emery kept squinting her eyes and letting the wind blow through her hair, precious!

This is how she spent most of the night