Monday, December 28, 2009

Catching up (a little bit)

Emery has really had a big December, so I may have to try & catch up over several posts. First, as you know, Emery turned 4 months old on December 17th which meant another trip to the doctor! I was excited to go and ask all of my crazy questions that I had been storing up, all the things that I hadn't already called their office about. :) Here we are playing with toys, and waiting on the doctor. Isn't she precious! She really did a good job and behaved excellently.
She currently weighs 10lbs 9 oz (2 %ile), and is 24 inches long (34%ile)- getting so big!!
The next weekend was Emery's first time to go to Sunday School. The ladies in there are excellent and I can tell they ust adore the babies, so I know she is in really good hands. And, we even got a good report from her teaches that she behaved- go Emery! It worked well for me since she could stay in there and nap until it was time for her to eat again at 10:30.
This is Mrs. Adams singing and entertaining her- God made puppies, did you know!
I'll try to post some pictures from all our Christmas festivities this week. Ours was great, and I hope yours was too!

Friday, December 18, 2009

4 months old

December 17, 2009

(I couldn't pick the best one, so they all made it this month!)

Well, Emery is 4 months old now and what a big month she has had! We celebrated Thanksgiving in Tyler this year with the Kirksey's and has a great time! Good food, good family, good games. This also meant Camryn was in town for a few days and Emery really enjoyed getting to play with her- actually she mostly enjoyed watching Camryn play, as we all did. She is also changing so much, here is what she is up to lately:

- She is still loving her gym and playing with the all the toys in it. She really started liking the music aspect of it & gets so excited when it makes noise.

- She is reaching for EVERYTHING! I'm so proud- she is so great with finding her toys when they are laying next to her and picking them up to play with them. She is also grabbing things out of your hands and of course they go straight for her mouth

- She is loving different textures. She has a blanket (the Swankie Blankie!) and she loves to feel the furry side and the silky side. She spends so long just touching it and of course chewing on it
- After Camryn's visit she picked up on a few things: how to SCREAM, and how to roll over. She hasn't quite gotten there yet, but she's so close! Maybe after Christmas she'll have it down.

- She is great at sitting in the Bumbo and I think she really likes the new perspective it gives her. She watches Tanner and Bruiser and they are so entertaining!

- She laughs! It's the best sound in the world, and she especially laughs when we play airplane.

- She is getting bigger & bigger everyday. She is wearing 3 month clothes now and we are getting a lot of use out of some great and precious shower gifts. I still can't believe she is wearing them! I looked at them for so long while I was still pregnant and tried to imagine my baby girl in them and here she is. It's a great feeling.

We go back to the Dr. Monday morning for her 4 month check up. Wish me luck- watching those shots is tough! Until then, enjoy some pics!
Helping me cook on Thanksgiving. The high chair has a tray that attaches to the front so she has all her toys in reach. Of course, most of the time they end up on the floor- oh my, it's already begun!

See, she LOVES to touch things- especially furry things!

What do you do when you don't want to do tummy time anymore? Push yourself forward out of the Boppy, duh!

See how fun the gym is- you can climb on it too!

Happy 4 months Big Girl- they have been the best 4 months of my life!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hello Santa!

A couple of weeks ago we took Emery to see Santa for the very first time! She did so good, well I guess she didn't real seem to know what was going on, but still- we got a super cute picture out of it!
Isn't she precious! We stayed and finished up our Christmas shopping while we were there (by the way, 11:30 on a Tuesday is a great time to go to the mall!) and someone got a little tired from all the excitement. She's working on keeping up with her Mama at the mall, but it's a hard job. It's ok Big Girl- you'll get there one day. :)
If you are wondering, yes, we own a stroller, he just can't resist her. I can't say that I blame him!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

This One's for Sarah...

My sister recently did an amazing before & after post on her blog so I wanted to show her my favorite before & after (and it's a good excuse to post pictures of Emery!)

December 2008:

October 2009 (yes, unfortunately this is the most recent picture of the 3 of us!)

I think it's been a GREAT year!