Wednesday, January 27, 2010

5 Months

January 17, 2010
Is Emery seriously 5 months old already? It is so hard to believe that I am blogging again about another month gone by, and a big month it was. Emery celebrated her first Christmas & New Year's Eve (didn't quite make it to midnight this year!), started eating rice cereal, and rolled over. Here is what she likes this month:

- Still coming in at #1: the gym. She gets so excited to lay and kick and talk to the princess- sometimes she gets both arms and both legs going at the same time, it's starting to get a little out of control. Hilarious!

- We borrowed an exersaucer from a friend and she LOVES it! She is still a little small for it, but it has a great track around the seat so we can put her toys there so she can chew on them. She likes for me to stand her on the floor in front of it- she can reach all the fun toys much better that way.
- We are having several "conversations" a day. She actually just squeals and gargles really loud when you talk to her and it's just adorable and hilarious!

- She is reaching for everything! She is getting really good at reaching above her head if she is on the floor and doing everything she can to get a toy that is out of reach- I'm pretty sure she's a genious. She even got one of the stacking cups out of the other cup the other day, like I said, genious!

- She LOVES the rice cereal! I decided to give it a try New Year's Day since Matt was home (just to see what she thought) and she ate the whole bowl! This has really helped her put on some good weight the past few weeks- she's got to be over 11 lbs by now!

She is just the sweetest baby and I love watching her grow every day. Happy 5 months Goo Boo- looking forward to all the laughter in month 6, I love you!

Home from all the Christmas traveling!

Asleep in her high chair, poor thing!

Washing down the rice cereal, something else she loves, the sippy cup!


  1. Oh, man, she looks like a pro at that sippy cup! She could probably teach C a thing or two! :) Love that sweet girl! I'm so glad I get to see her this weekend!

  2. Precious girl is getting to big! And I'm pretty sure the genius part is right.
