-Seize the day!-
This became my motto while we were on our first road trip of the summer. We planned on staying in Tyler for almost a week and there was one more place I wanted to go while I was up there- PLANO (it's a really popular vacation destination). Actually it is where my sister's new house is and while I was that close to her I had to go see her and her sweet babies!
My original idea was to come to her house for the day and play her kids so she could unpack, shop, sleep whatever she needed since they had just moved into their new house. As the day for me to go came closer I knew I couldn't go see Camryn Joy with Emery. So, it turned into a girls road trip- special Mama and Emery time.
It started off so well- I wanted to take pictures of our day and she wouldn't even look at the camera. Oh the joys of life with a 3 year old. I also started to realize this might be a LONG day, but it's ok- we were going to go have fun!
They were SO excited to see each other, Camryn was literally jumping up and down over and over again when she caught sight of Emery. It was so sweet and it's always so fun to see these kids (since we can't say girls anymore now that there are boys in the mix) be such good friends. We played dress up, went on a walk to explore their new neighborhood, ate lunch, took naps, went swimming and just generally enjoyed being able to spend some time together.
I love these pictures- the sweet cousins being good friends, watching Wild Man grow up and needing to be in the middle of the action now too. I hope to bring both the kids for a visit sometime this summer and I can only imagine the chaos that will ensue then- and I can't wait! It was a busy, fun day and that's just what I had in mind.
But the fun wasn't over yet- we left around 5 to meet Matt's Mom in Grapevine to have some pizza with her.
It was so fun to see Mimi for a little bit and eat some pizza and catch up for a little bit while we waited for traffic to die down. We headed back to Tyler around 7:30 and (again) stopped for a treat in Terrell.
We played with Gigi for a few minutes before I made her to go bed and get some rest. We were sharing a room for the week and after I tucked her I told her I would be in shortly because Mama was exhausted! I walked back in our room about 5 minutes later and saw this:
Poor, tired girl passed out on the floor next to her babies. :) This girl plays hard and sleeps hard (when she wants to). We spent the next couple of days recovering, resting, playing, running Tyler errands and just generally having fun with Gigi and OK. It was such a fun trip and I'm so glad we went- thanks for letting hang out at your house for a few days Gigi and OK!!! :)
The last picture is priceless Beth.... thanks for the memories!