I know I've talked and reflected about phases that my kids are going through. It's easy to see it in them. They can be happy, sad, tired, hungry, clingy, independent- it's a constant roller coaster and I've had to learn to appreciate the highs and treasure those times because things will change and that's ok because we always come back around to the highs.
So, now it's my turn to change phases. I've started trying to simplify- removing the clutter from my house, my brain, my closet, my kitchen (I could go on and on). I don't know what started it- maybe all the organizational ideas on Pinterest, or the down time at Matt's job, or the laid back summer days we are enjoying, or the feel of permanence I am feeling about our home but here I am simplifying.
I've been doing some serious cleaning out (nesting, but of the none pregnant variety). The toys no one plays with are going to friends, the clothes we have outgrown are being passed along, the food we don't really need to keep stockpiled is being used and it's so satisfying. I just want all the clutter gone! I don't have to have something on every single shelf in every single space, right? Although I'm also not saying I don't enjoy a little shopping- it's kind of part of my morning. Some coffee, some breakfast, and some online shopping until everyone gets up (ahhhh). But I've come into this mindset of- where am I going to put it? Whether it be a shirt, or a picture frame, or a knick knack it's got to have a home, a purpose, and sentimental value before I buy it.
Matt and I have always gone back and forth about how fun it would be to buy some land, have a small house, and just enjoy being together (doesn't it sounds so fun!). Raising cattle, gardening, being outside, being crafty, and being together. The simple life is so calling!
Hey will you remove some of the clutter from my brain too please? Beautiful post Bethie.