Thursday, March 28, 2013

Easter Fun

On Wednesday, my friend Cheryl invited us to an Easter Egg Hunt her mom's group was putting on.  It was a nice day, it was close, and it was fabulous!  We all brought eggs some eggs and some lunch and did some playing at the park from 10-1.  We were EXHAUSTED, but had alot of fun!

 She's ready to go!  Last Easter she wasn't so sure about this whole Easter Egg Hunt thing (she only ended up with one egg and that was because another little friend gave it to her) (and she still talks about how scary it was and how she wore her basket on her head because she was so scared), but she was super excited about it this year. 

 There was a special area for the little little ones (good thinking!).  How precious are these sweet faces?  I love watching the little tiny ones the best.  The eggs were spread out on the ground and Beckett and Analise picked up a couple, but mostly just focused on what was in the eggs.  It is so sweet to watch them explore and do what they want to do without older siblings running them over. This is always my favorite part.

See, he got one! :)

 And there go the big kids!!!

Then they realized the little ones needed a little help.  Love this picture!!!

Then we all sat down and had some "lunch"- whatever loot ended up in their Easter Baskets.  Some Skittles, some Starburst, some Goldfish.  sigh.  At least they were happy!

Thanks, friends, for a fun day at the park!!!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

"Kid, you'll move mountains", Dr. Seuss

The little park by our house is currently under some kind of construction.  I don't know what they are doing except trying to give me small panic attacks every time I see the yellow tape and the ginormous piles of dirt everywhere.  Who digs up a playground and leaves it like that?  Anyway, yesterday we decided to go play anyway!  Technically the tape just says "CAUTION" not "KEEP OUT!" so we went for it.  And you know what 3 year olds like more than a playground?  A playground with huge mountains of dirt.  We played for a LONG time and it was REAL cold, but they had a blast!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Lazy Wednesday

I knew we were supposed to get some rain Tuesday night, but I wasn't sure when or how much.  So, around 3:30 in the morning I woke up to some crazy wind and rain (and a terrified 3 year old who needed someone to stay in her room with her).  Apparently there was some serious weather going on nearby, woah! The rain kept up off and on all morning and we didn't have any plans so we decided to stay home and hang out together.  We are all still in a little bit of recovery mode from our super fun spring break so a day at home was nice- as long as the little people were on board. 

Peppa has taken over this spot on the couch.  I know, I know the Dog Whisperer would not approve but she just looks so happy and comfy!  Plus, she's kind of heavy and it's not super easy to move her when she doesn't want to go.  Therefore I let her get away with it in the mornings.

 They are loving this our magnetic farm lately- they make matches (or not) and then dance to the little song it plays, it's ridiculously cute!
Mama needed to do a little vacuuming so we set up the tent and the babies watched some TV.  Of course the tent lasted all of about 5 seconds, but it was cute while it lasted.

After naps Emery wanted to go outside and paint.  It was a nice sunny afternoon so we did!

Beckett says "Cheese Beckett!" when you take his picture now.  He LOVED the painting too, actually he loves anything Big Sister loves and cries when Big Sister cries.  Such a good brother (especially when your big sister tends to be bossy)!

 Hard at work!  My girl painting "lanterns" all over her house.

We hosed everything off, took a nice warm bath, and ate dinner in our jammies!  Emery and I used to do this alot when we first moved here and it was so fun.  We'd spend all afternoon at the pool, come home get a bath, and then eat some dinner.  It was fun to do it with both of them and to reminisce!  Hope your Wednesday was wonderfully lazy and random too!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Cha Cha Changes

"The hardest part is what to leave behind.  It's time to let go." - Winne the Pooh

See this sweet little thing?  She was 10 days old and she was about to go to sleep in her bed for the first time.  Of course, this didn't last long, but we tried!  We spent time deliberating over the perfect bed and the perfect crib set and then the time finally came for her to sleep in the bed.  We bathed her, did a little night time routine, swaddled her nice and cozy (in a blankie that matched her bedding I must add) and said good night.  (Just a side note- I remember Matt intentionally laying her down like that so her feet would touch the bumper so she would feel better.  Sweet Daddy!)

And her little crib has played a big part in her short 3 years so far.  We've taken pictures in it:

Snuggled with it:

Gotten a little brother to snuggle in it with us:

And moved it (twice!):
This little bed has been through alot and we have all loved her bed.  We've never really had any issues with her sleeping- she was always just so excited to go get in her bed and go to sleep.  We would even pack up her bumpers whenever we traveled so she would feel like she was in the bed at all times!

Until recently.

She's started showing up in our room (downstairs from her I might add) in the middle of the night. This, obviously, isn't safe for her to be roaming around our house at all hours of the night so we finally decided that maybe it was time for a change.

The crib is gone, but in it's place is a new big girl bed.  With big girl bedding and big girl pillows and a big girl sleeping in it.  It's tough for me to let something like this go and I don't really know why.  I know it's silly, but that crib is really the first thing that was hers.  Sure she's got a room, and clothes, and toys but we worked so hard to make her bed special for her (and she's loved it and I've loved her loving it).  She's just getting to be a big girl now.  I know she's only 3 and we still have a long way to go but this just seems like such a big change.  She's been in it a couple of nights now and she seems to like it so that makes me happy.

I also need to go up there and take pictures of the bed, but her room is still a work in progress.  We are trying to decide on a paint color and how to arrange everything in there.  It's really fun planning this next stage with her.  Stayed tuned.  The story isn't over- just starting a new chapter...

Monday, March 18, 2013

Spring Break

 My oh my!  It's Monday and Spring Break 2013 is in the books.  This was really the first year since college (which was like, last year, ha!) that Spring Break has really applied to me.  Emery had the week off from school so we officially "spring breaked".  And what else did we do, but have company!  My sister, her kiddos, and my Mom came down Tuesday afternoon and we spent the week having so much fun!!!!!!!!! (see all the exclamation points?  Lots and lots of fun!)

We played, picked strawberries, shopped, played, cooked, adventured, played, talked, ate... it was pretty much the best week ever and I am so happy we got to spend some time with them.  It's so fun to watch these 4 babies grow up together and how they change and their relationships with each other change.  Emery could not WAIT for Camryn Joy to be here- we were outside waiting for them when they pulled up- and I'm pretty sure they were only separated while they slept the rest of the week.  Enjoy the pictures- I only managed to take them at the strawberry farm and on our adventure but man they're still fun to look at.  Thanks for a fun week guys!!