Peppa has taken over this spot on the couch. I know, I know the Dog Whisperer would not approve but she just looks so happy and comfy! Plus, she's kind of heavy and it's not super easy to move her when she doesn't want to go. Therefore I let her get away with it in the mornings.
They are loving this our magnetic farm lately- they make matches (or not) and then dance to the little song it plays, it's ridiculously cute!
Mama needed to do a little vacuuming so we set up the tent and the babies watched some TV. Of course the tent lasted all of about 5 seconds, but it was cute while it lasted.
After naps Emery wanted to go outside and paint. It was a nice sunny afternoon so we did!
Beckett says "Cheese Beckett!" when you take his picture now. He LOVED the painting too, actually he loves anything Big Sister loves and cries when Big Sister cries. Such a good brother (especially when your big sister tends to be bossy)!
Hard at work! My girl painting "lanterns" all over her house.
We hosed everything off, took a nice warm bath, and ate dinner in our jammies! Emery and I used to do this alot when we first moved here and it was so fun. We'd spend all afternoon at the pool, come home get a bath, and then eat some dinner. It was fun to do it with both of them and to reminisce! Hope your Wednesday was wonderfully lazy and random too!
Wow - what a fun and lazy day!