Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I really just LOVE this picture and all of those sweet babies lined up oogling at the cupcakes!

Last Thursday was my friend Cheryl's birthday (Happy Birthday Lady!!!).  She asked all of us to go eat cupcakes with her after school and, um, hello...  Yes, please, on so many levels. Cakes, cupcakes, cookies you name it.  If it's sugary and sweet it's my weakness- and if it has icing, I'm done for!  :) 

After school pickup we all headed over to the Oh La La Bakery for some delicious deliciousness.  As soon as we walked in the door we saw huge displays of cupcakes, pies, cookies everything.  These sweet babies instantly walked up to the cupcake case and started picking out which one they wanted.  And, really, this wasn't staged or forced at all.  It was so precious!  Thanks Oh La La for letting us tear up your shop for a little bit so we could celebrate our friend! :)


  1. All those little ones lined up are so precious!

  2. Such a cute picture.... I bet they have to Windex that case everyday!! What kind did you pick out?
