Thursday, January 10, 2013


So, this is my little ball of energy.  She is always on the go: talking, creating, running, climbing, imagining, just  busy busy busy.  So that means Mama tries to find extra ways to let her get some energy out!  She tried gymnastics for a while in Tyler and then again once we got settled in Houston and I liked the idea of her doing gymnastics but she just wasn't quite into it.  She was taking frequent water/ bathroom/ rest breaks during class and didn't really seem super excited to go every week.  She gave it a good shot (6 months or so) and I finally decided it was time to call it quits on the gymnastics. 

She has lately become all things PRINCESS and that includes always needing to have a "gown" (not a dress, but a gown- she is very clear about that) and "glass slippers" and a tiara and magic wand don't hurt either.  She has also started showing an interest in "ball-a-ray" so I figured why not give it a shot.  The school that is within walking distance of our house had registration through January so we were able to squeeze in (I love that we will be able to walk to class!) and yesterday was her first class. 

And. she. LOVED. it!

I wasn't sure how it would go over with her since dance is so structured, but she marched herself into the class and sat front & center and paid attention and listened to the teacher from what I can tell.  Parents don't go into the class, but we could still watch from the outside hallway (they have a TV setup so we could see what was going on).  I was so proud of how brave & bold she was (which is way outside of this shy Mama's comfort zone!) and she even seemed to have a little fun.  She amazes me every day and I'm so happy she enjoyed her class & wants to go back.  Watch out world, ball-a-ray here we come!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bethie - Great post and I can just see Emery marching herself to the front of the class. She's a warrior princess! This makes me think of the times we went to Zumba together - talk about comfort zone challenge!
