Monday, January 21, 2013

My Girl

Oh my goodness, my sweet baby Emery is such a huge, fun, beautiful little mess of a girl.  She's 3 1/2 going on 16 and she keeps me on my toes all day long.  Some days we have really good days together and some days, well, she spends alot time in time out.  She's very opinionated and strong willed and I really do hope she keeps those qualities- this girl will NOT get eaten alive when she goes to school, ha!

 She said the funniest thing Saturday when we were in the car.  She is really curious about driving: why we stop, why we go fast, why we wait (it goes on and on and on!).  She told us Saturday that "When I'm a big girl I'm going to drive as fast as possible!".  Gracious- we are all in trouble.  When I asked her how fast she was going to drive she told me "5 dollars".  Ok, maybe we're good after all.

 Now, if these 2 are driving together- no promises!!!

My sweet girl even drew a picture of her Mama this weekend.  She usually makes lists and scribbles, this is the first time I've seen her draw a person.  It's my favorite thing ever!

(Is she saying I need bangs???)

1 comment:

  1. I think it's a crown! And look how happy you are.... she's precious.
